How Do I write a Letter to Ford motor company and make sure they receive and read it? - dealership cover letter
I took my car to a Ford dealer, because the "engine" noise. was under warranty and will not rest, if your cough, $ 1400, since my warranty only the transmission and the "engine covers" ... Why is not correct, I do not know why.
Take it to another Ford dealer. I think they have a powertrain warranty and the element that raises not fall into problems. If you do not believe that the dealer 1st, try another. If you get the same movie, then you know that the concessionaire was 1 true. Take the dealer sold it to you, it is always better ... If you drove 300 miles for a better offer, good for you, you deserve to have Drive 300 miles for a good service. When are local storage and supply
First, if you do not get to ask me, can you explain what this "engine" noise (eg, was "knocking" noise) at idle? Diagnosed In addition, the concessionaire was and explained what was the cause of this error? I consult the book to your vehicle back up to see what elements covered, which is excluded in the propulsion system (ie, engine and gearbox) warranty. If the source of the error is a component that is excluded from this agreement, I am afraid that the repair is not covered by the warranty.
However, if you believe that your case is a real security problem, I recommend to see contact with Ford Motor Company Customer Relationship Center (on site for more information: http://www.genuineservice. Com / genuineser ...). You can e-mail or call the hotline. Make sure that all documents and information about their case in question - which of course, the customer agrees Relations Center. From there, you must assign the rights to a new caseNumber of conference - and then connect to investigate into the matter, and we hope that you with an answer.
- Add Edit 21/4/09: I must state that the request of a customer to pay in advance for repairs before it was made, let alone a correct diagnosis had been at the dealership, is reasonable - in particular, given the volume money they ask.
I see that the answer to your e-mail from the supervisor at the dealership first. If you are still a negative result from them, then definitely at the Ford Customer Relationship Center and inform them about everything) the whole situation (including the experience of other Ford dealers. If it were me, would rather tap directly into your phone ring instead of - just be sure to get a number and name of the person you are trying to center client and I are also in this document, the date and time the call and continue with my notes on the case bein this caseg intensified even more.
Interview with the CEO. They explain the situation, and if it meets threaten legal sanctions. if it will not take legal action. In addition, if covered under warranty, then they will have to repair it. many Ford dealers are hard-pressed for money at the moment, and try to withdraw money as often as possible.
Send a certified letter with return receipt. The defendant acknowledges that the company's letter and the person who will receive a receipt signed by him sign.
In the letter, when the company called stop and asked to speak to a supervisor.
tell the dealer not to prosecute, but ........ sue
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